Information and Articles

Post processing selective laser melted structures - dental applications Post processing slective laser melted Cobalt Chrome alloy - Short guide for post processing slective laser melted Cobalt Chrome alloy (dental prosthetic applications).

CAD 3D Scanning & CAD - Short guide for preparation for 3D scanning and computer assisted design.

Bio-Compatibility CoCr Alloy Bio-Compatibility of selective laser melted CoCr alloy - Notes regarding the bio-compatibility of CoCr alloy from dental applications point of view.

Perfect fit of selective laser melted dental crown and bridges The precision of selective laser melted crown and bridges. - Comparation between crown/bridges manufactured using selective laser melting - lost wax casting - milled alloy.

Adhesion of ceramics and selective laser melted CoCr alloy Adhesion of ceramics and selective laser melted CoCr alloy - Short overview of superior adhesion of ceramic masses with crown/bridges from CoCr alloy manufactured using selective laser melting.

Fuziune Bavaria Proiect de fuziune - Bavaria Medical & Bavaria Dental - potrivit art. 241 și următoarele din Legea nr. 31/1990 a societăților comerciale intre Bavaria Medical si Bavaria Dental

SC Bavaria Medical SRL

        VAT: 19419493
        TRn: J40/201747/2006

        Address: 51-59 Aron Cotrus, villa 1, 1st floor, District 1, PO 014131, Bucuresti

        Phone: +4 0371 489 362
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        Fax: +4 0372 878 877
